7 Energy Giving Foods That Give You Less Belly Fat

Seven energy giving foods with less belly fat

Can you say win, win? Energy giving foods that also give you less belly fat. Oh yea!

Energy giving foods with less belly fat, sound too good to be true? Maybe, but if you watch what you’re buying and how you’re preparing the foods it’s definitely possible.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

1.     Bananas

Are high in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, they have minerals, good carbs and potassium which increases your metabolism. This means your body burns energy including fat from food at a faster rate.

According to the USDA one medium sized banana has 422 milligrams (mg) of potassium . Adults should be consuming 4,700 mg a day. But according to Medical News Today fewer than two percent of people in the U.S. consume enough potassium.

Potassium supports muscle strength and muscle burns fat. Lack of it can lead to fatigue, so if you’re feeling sluggish have a banana.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

2.     Salmon 

Salmon is high in omega-3

Salmon is one of the energy giving foods that also contains omega-3 fatty acids that may also help you lose body fat.

According to a 2015 study by Kyoto University in Japan, researchers found that fish oil transforms fat-storage cells into fat burning cells called Brown Adipose Tissues (a.k.a BAT FAT) .

BAT FAT decreases as we get older and is one of the reasons we struggle more and more with belly fat as we get older.

Salmon is also high in protein (22-39 grams per serving).

Protein however doesn’t give you immediate energy like carbohydrates and sugar. But it slows down the absorption of sugar into your blood which prevents your energy from crashing. Also since it’s digested by the body slowly it helps you feel fuller longer.

Salmon is also good for improving memory and concentration 

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

3.     Eggs

Eggs are energy giving foods

Do you remember that egg commercial “The Incredible Edible Egg?” If you do you’re singing it in your head right now aren’t you?  For those of you who don’t remember never mind keep reading. According to IncredibleEgg.com , the egg is a complete protein food because egg protein has all nine essential amino acids. This makes it an energy giving food.

Amino Acids are the building block for life. They are linked to form proteins that act as an important source of energy for individual cells.  They also build and repair muscle. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism operates and helps you burn fat.

The protein in eggs is a steady and sustained source of energy making it one of the best energy giving foods. The  B vitamins in the Eggs also give you energy.

You can also try intermittent fasting to increase your energy levels.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

4. Dark Chocolate (Minimum 70% Cacao)

Cacao powder in a bowl

Let’s first distinguish the difference between cacao and cocoa. Just in case you’re not sure like a lot of other people.  Cacao is made by cold-pressing unroasted cacao beans where cocoa is made from roasting the beans at high temperatures. The high temperature lowers the antioxidant capacity. It also reduces the nutrient density and kills living enzymes which are beneficial to the body.

Dark Chocolate is energizing and mood boosting because it contains caffeine and other stimulants. Theobromine and tryptophan — a precursor to serotonin and one of the feel good neurotransmitters present in dark chocolate.

A recent study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry affirmed that the polyphenols in dark chocolate restrict the enzymes needed for fat and carbohydrate digestion. This boosts metabolism because more energy is required for digestion resulting in the burning of fat.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

5.     Avocados 

Avocados energy giving foods with less belly fat

Taste so good and are so good for you.  I love these win, win foods. If you haven’t heard yet fats are good for you, specifically plant based fats. Approximately half of one avocado contains 10 grams of healthy monounsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated fats stop the blood sugar spikes that tell your body to store fat around your belly. Researchers say using avocado oil which also has oleic fatty acids can reduce abdominal fat.  Just say no to belly fat!

Avocados provide more protein than most fruits. Since protein gives you sustained energy they’re a great source of energy.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

6.     Leafy Greens 

Parsley is a leafy green

My Mom was right when she told me to “eat my green leafies.” I hope my kids will realize how right I am about so many things when they’re older.  

Leafy greens are high in iron. This boosts the production of red blood cells for the effective delivery of oxygen to your cells. It is said to fight fatigue, feed your cells and fuel your life.

These green giants (i.e broccoli, asparagus, green beans, spinach) are high in fiber, low in calories and contain insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is not digested by your body like fats, proteins and  carbohydrates. This means it passes through your digestive system and doesn’t contribute to belly fat.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

7.     Chia Seeds 

Chia seeds are energy giving foods

Remember Chia Pets? I guess you don’t really have to remember them. Chia Pets are still going strong with current pop culture characters, can you say “poop emoji”. They have been around a lot longer than the “superfood” craze has, which is crazy to me.  

However the Aztecs and Mayans prized them for their ability to provide sustainable energy  a long, long, long time ago. “Chia” is the ancient Mayan word for “strength.”

Chia seeds are high in carbohydrates, the majority of which is soluble fiber. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your cells, so energize your cells and you will energize your life.

They can absorb 10-12 time their weight in water becoming a gel expanding in your stomach.  As a result they should make you feel fuller, slow the absorption of your food and make you eat less.

Studies in rats have shown that these powerhouse seeds can also lower insulin resistance. Resistance to the hormone insulin results in increased blood sugar. High levels of sugar is dangerous in your blood sugar. When it’s too high your body needs to remove it from your blood and stores it as primarily belly fat.

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

Energize your cells and energize your life

Picture of energized midlife mama

Energize your cells and energize your life with these 7 amazing foods. Enjoy the flavors, increase your metabolism, burn that belly fat and enjoy your journey on this magnificent planet.

What do you do to gain extra energy?

Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Nothing contained in the site is intended to establish a physician-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or health care professional, or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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7 Energy Giving Foods That  Give You Less Belly Fat


  • Faith

    I’m going to give some chia seeds a try! I love everything else except for the dark chocolate. I have tried different kinds & different brands but my taste buds refuse to accommodate. This article reminds me to update my shopping list!

  • This is a wonderful list! I love all of them, but haven’t tried the chia seeds. I bet I’d like them. They’re all power foods and extremely affordable.
    Great post!

    • I’m glad you like the posts. You should try to put chia seeds in a smoothie it helps fill you up along with all the other great health benefits.

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