Mid-Life Mama Nutritions is a community for older moms raising younger kids, focusing on health, wellness, and parenting issues.

Being a mom at any age is hard, but being in your 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s throws in additional challenges, especially low energy.  I knew I had to “up my game” if I wanted to keep up with my kids and excel at this mom thing. Not only did I want to implement lifestyle changes to increase lifespan I also want to increase my healthspan.

I want to be here for my kids as long as possible and hopefully for my grandkids too.

The last thing I want to do is be a burden to my kids as I get older. So I had to change the way I was eating and started living a low carb lifestyle. This has been a total game-changer for me. Not only do I have A LOT more energy, but I’ve also lost a lot of BELLY FAT, cut my pant size in half, and lost 30lbs.

My goal is to help one million women live longer, healthier, and happier lives for themselves and their families through my signature health coaching program, High Energy-Low Carb Lifestyle.

Hight Energy Low Carb Lifestyle

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

I am also proud to be a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach that helps other Midlife Mamas live happier, healthier, longer lives through nutrition, healthy habits and positive mindset.

Transformational nutrition blends holistic health coaching, life coaching, and nutrition coaching into one science-based, proven system.

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Working Woman Entrepreneur

Besides being a Midlife Mama, I’m also a Working Woman Entrepreneur with a podcast where I interview successful women who share how they “juggle” family and business. They share their journey (a lot of them were stuck in a 9-5 grind but found a way out). If you have a business or want to start one you should check it out.

Working Woman Entrepreneur Podcast