Emu Oil: Benefits and Risks

Emu Oil: Benefits and Risks

I like to think I'm up with the latest health trends. When I heard about it, I had to find out more. What is it exactly. What are the benefits of emu oil? Are there any risks? What's the best way to learn about something? Write about it! Where Does Emu Oil Come From? As we used to say, "I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count." It comes from the animal (that's your third guess). You might not know that it comes from fat deposits under the birds skin and it's bright yellow in color. If…
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Unforgettable Christmas Traditions For Kids

Unforgettable Christmas Traditions For Kids

I love unforgettable Christmas traditions for kids. I don't know if it's because of the few I had when I was growing up, or the ones I wished I had. Either way I want to make sure they happen in our home. Visit With Santa and Mrs. Claus In Person This is a "no brainer" for anyone who celebrates Christmas. I remember one year Santa Claus coming our house on Christmas Eve when I was about 5 years old. He brought me one Christmas Eve present and I can remember the excitement I felt. This only happened once for me…
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Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle of the night to Pee?

Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle of the night to Pee?

It must be 3:00 am because I've gotta pee. Or as I like to call it, My Pee Pee Alarm Clock is going off. It was such as great dream, then all of the sudden bam! I'm awake and have to pee. Why do I wake up at night to pee? How can I make it stop. Please make it stop. Not only does it interrupt my sleep, but then I have trouble going back to sleep. And it's not always just once, sometimes it's multiple times a night. Sleep is one of the pillars of maintaining a healthy lifestyle…
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Incredible Benefits of   Collagen Supplements

Incredible Benefits of Collagen Supplements

If you think supplementing with collagen is just another empty promise of helping you look younger, you're in for a real surprise. There are amazing benefits of taking Collagen supplements. The benefits of taking collagen supplements not only include those that affect our appearance, but also what's happening to us on the inside as we age. Collagen is considered the "scaffolding and glue holding" our bodies together. And we've been losing about 1% of our collagen every year after we turned 20 years old. What Is Collagen Collagen is the most plentiful form of protein in your body. It's the…
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When Can My Child Sit In The Front Seat?

When Can My Child Sit In The Front Seat?

"Daddy let's us sit in the front seat of his car!" My immediate response was "but you're too young to sit in the front seat". This was followed by my husband asking why and tears from my 8 year old. At the time I couldn't remember why, I just knew it was unsafe. But why is it unsafe and when can my child sit in the front seat of a car safely? I try not to tell my kids no to a question like this without an answer. So my next step was to do the research. The consensus is…
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Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

"Did I just repeat myself?, Why did I walk into this room? Where are my keys?" This is happening a lot more to me as I get older. How about you? I am on a quest not to let my age get in the way of anything that I want to do, and a failing memory is one of those things. I know that playing memory games, doing crosswords and exercise is good for my memory, but what else can I do? When trying to solve any health problem the first place I turn to is food. Here are Five…
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How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

Have you gotten to the point where you look in the mirror thinking you'll see the 20 something version of yourself? Instead it's the current you, wrinkles and all! Before you try expensive options such as Botox or big name expensive beauty products try some of these to get rid of wrinkles naturally. Drink Water Hydrated skin is healthy skin so drink more of it, unless you're already drinking the recommended amount of water. According the Institute For Transformational Nutrition you should drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. Making sure your body as a whole is…
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Should We Let Our Kids Go Barefoot?

Should We Let Our Kids Go Barefoot?

How good does it feel taking off your shoes after coming home from a long day at work, shopping or playing in the park? It may not smell too good, but it sure feels good. Just because it feels good should we let our kids go barefoot? We all started off this life journey barefoot and then learned to walk. Learning to walk in bare feet gave us the tactile feeling of the ground and helped us get our balance. But then we have our feet stuffed into shoes by our well meaning parents to protect our feet and the…
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Early Retirement Option For Older Parents

Early Retirement Option For Older Parents

I never thought early retirement was an option for older parents like my husband. I never knew that he would be able to collect social security benefits early for himself and for our children thanks to the additional Social Security benefits available. You can currently start collecting social security benefits at age 62 even though full retirement age (FRA) is currently 66 years and 2 months for people born in 1955. FRA gradually rises to 67 for those born in 1960 or later. Collect Up To Half For Each Child You or your spouse can collect up to half of…
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Best Types of Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 40

Best Types of Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 40

You've probably heard of intermittent fasting, but you may not be aware of the many different types. Or the best types of intermittent fasting for women over 40 years old. The most popular reason for Intermittent fasting is to lose weight and it works, but it also has many other health benefits. All the cool kids are doing it these days, but what is it and what are the best types of intermittent fasting for women over 40? Fasting may sound difficult, and if you're telling yourself "I can't to that," I'm here to tell you that you can and…
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