How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

How to get rid of wrinkles naturally

Have you gotten to the point where you look in the mirror thinking you’ll see the 20 something version of yourself? Instead it’s the current you, wrinkles and all! Before you try expensive options such as Botox or big name expensive beauty products try some of these to get rid of wrinkles naturally.

Drink Water

Drinking water to help plump skin and get rid of winkles

Hydrated skin is healthy skin so drink more of it, unless you’re already drinking the recommended amount of water. According the Institute For Transformational Nutrition you should drink half of your body weight in ounces each day.

Making sure your body as a whole is well hydrated is the key to having healthy skin and less wrinkles. If you don’t stay hydrated your body will pull water away from all organs including the your largest organ, your skin. The less water, the less plumpness and more wrinkles.

Lemon Balm Tea

Cup of lemon balm tea

If you haven’t heard of the many health benefits of lemon balm tea, you will now. How do I know? It’s like when you’re thinking of buying a new car and then you see it everywhere.

One of the many benefits of lemon balm tea is that it has the potential to make your skin more elastic and correct tissue damage.

Green Tea

Green tea can be drank or used as a face mask to get rid of wrinkles naturally

Green tea contains high amounts of Epigallocatechin Gallate (say that 5 times fast), which is referred to as EGCG. It’s a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to reduce inflammation in the entire body, fight free radicals and reduce wrinkles.

A 2018 study showed EGCG to have a positive effect on skin hydration, moisture retention and wrinkle formation.

If you’d rather wear green tea than drink it, there are plenty of facial masks made from it to help you get rid of wrinkles naturally.

Eat Fat

Olive oil is a healthy fat that can help you get rid of wrinkles naturally

All of our cell membranes are made up of saturated fats, water, proteins and carbohydrates. So getting enough saturated fat in our diets is key to healthy skin. If we don’t get enough of all of these in our diets, including the fats, our cells get weak and won’t stay hydrated.

Lab studies have shown anti-inflammatory effects of fats on the skin as well as protection from sun damage.

Some experts say that low fat diets are to blame for prematurely aged faces. So make sure you get enough healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil and almond oil into your diet.

More Fruits and Veggies


We’ve all been told to eat our fruits and veggies since we were kids. And if you’re a parent you’ve probably said that to your kids. Now say it to yourself and know that they’re also good for your skin.

Fruits and vegetables are packed full with vitamins C, E and other antioxidants that can help restore damage to your skin.

Foods packed with Vitamin C such as tomatoes are said to help build collagen which is the major component in the skin. Eating these types of food help you get plumper and firmer skin.

A 2001 study led by Monash University in Australia suggests that people 70 and older who ate diets rich in Vitamin C and E had fewer wrinkles.

Nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables are good sources of Vitamin E.

All berries including raspberries, strawberries, blueberry and blackberries are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the skin by limiting the production of free radicals that can cause damage.

Say No To Sugar

Say no to sugar because it causes wrinkles

We know how bad sugar is for us from a health perspective. But did you also know that it also breaks down the collagen in your body including your face?

Collagen is the main structural protein that forms the connective framework of your muscles, bones, tendons, skin and cartilage. As we get older its production starts to decline around age 25. It then continues even more after menopause resulting in wrinkles.

Digesting sugar causes a process in your body known as glycation to occur. Glycation is the bonding of sugar molecules to proteins including elastin and collagen which are the building blocks of the skin.

During glycation, toxic compounds called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are produced which can cause wrinkles.

Don’t accelerate the aging process by eating sugar.


Taking supplements including beta carotene can help get rid of wrinkles naturally

I know, I know there are so many supplements out there you may not want to add another one to your regime. But as little as 30 milligrams of beta carotene per day taken in supplement form has demonstrated to prevent and repair photo aging a.k.a wrinkles.

Antioxidant supplements such as vitamins A, C, E and selenium can also help regulate free radicals in your body and combat wrinkles in skin caused by sun damage.

However, beware that some supplements can interact with some medications and exasperate existing health conditions. Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement regime, especially if you have any health issues going on.

Supplements are called supplements for a reason. They should not be the primary source of vitamins. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is the key to a healthy life and healthy skin.

Eat, Drink, Be Merry and Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

When you look good you feel good

This is a great mantra to live by as long as your eating the right types of foods. One of the many bonuses to this is that you also get to keep those wrinkles at bay for as long as possible.

Incorporating healthy eating and drinking habits benefit your body in so many ways whether you want to keep the wrinkles away or you want to live to 100.

The simple solutions to help get rid of wrinkles naturally are:

  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables for youthful appearing skin
  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day
  • Just say no to sugar
  • Supplement with supplements, but get the majority of your vitamins from food
  • Stay away from processed foods

Additional Resources:

Everything You Know About Wrinkles Is Wrong

Is Sugar Aging You?

Sugar Sag: Glycation and the Role of Diet in Aging Skin

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How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

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