Pros and Cons of Having a Baby after 40

Pros and Cons of Having a Baby after 40

I always knew that I would have kids and that was a non-negotiable area of my life. But somehow that was pushed to the back of my priority list and my career and having fun took the front and center. What I didn't think about were the many pros and cons of having a baby after 40. That’s what you get when you live your life on “autopilot.” I also thought that I had plenty of time and that age wasn’t an issue, if I only would have listened to my Mom (or not, keep reading).   My non cognitive thinking…
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Positive Morning Routines To Take Control of Your Life

Positive Morning Routines To Take Control of Your Life

I’m sure you’ve had one or many of those crazy mornings. You know the ones. The mornings when you end up reacting to the morning instead of controlling it. Positive morning routines can eliminate this loss of control that throws you off your “game” for the rest of the day. Use positive morning routines and it will help you take control of your day and youe life. Try some or all of these positive morning routines. You'll soon see how it leads to taking control of your day. Not only your day, but your week your month, your year and…
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Emu Oil: Benefits and Risks

Emu Oil: Benefits and Risks

I like to think I'm up with the latest health trends. When I heard about it, I had to find out more. What is it exactly. What are the benefits of emu oil? Are there any risks? What's the best way to learn about something? Write about it! Where Does Emu Oil Come From? As we used to say, "I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count." It comes from the animal (that's your third guess). You might not know that it comes from fat deposits under the birds skin and it's bright yellow in color. If…
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Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle of the night to Pee?

Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle of the night to Pee?

It must be 3:00 am because I've gotta pee. Or as I like to call it, My Pee Pee Alarm Clock is going off. It was such as great dream, then all of the sudden bam! I'm awake and have to pee. Why do I wake up at night to pee? How can I make it stop. Please make it stop. Not only does it interrupt my sleep, but then I have trouble going back to sleep. And it's not always just once, sometimes it's multiple times a night. Sleep is one of the pillars of maintaining a healthy lifestyle…
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Early Retirement Option For Older Parents

Early Retirement Option For Older Parents

I never thought early retirement was an option for older parents like my husband. I never knew that he would be able to collect social security benefits early for himself and for our children thanks to the additional Social Security benefits available. You can currently start collecting social security benefits at age 62 even though full retirement age (FRA) is currently 66 years and 2 months for people born in 1955. FRA gradually rises to 67 for those born in 1960 or later. Collect Up To Half For Each Child You or your spouse can collect up to half of…
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What Limiting Beliefs Are You Holding On To?

What Limiting Beliefs Are You Holding On To?

I can't do that! I'm sure your aware that you've said that to yourself a couple million (maybe an exaggeration, maybe not) times in your life. But what you may not be aware of is how many times your subconscious is telling your brain that you can't do something. These are called limiting beliefs. How about? "I don't like that." No matter how old you are there may be things that you don't eat because you're sure you don't like it, even if you haven't had it in a long time or ever. A close friend of mine never liked…
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What To Say When Someone Calls You Grandma

What To Say When Someone Calls You Grandma

I don't know about you, but being a mom later in life definitely has it's additional challenges (and benefits). Throw in an unsuspecting, or not so unsuspecting person referring to you Grandma, and you may become dumbfounded. It might even ruin your day. Here's what to say when someone calls you Grandma. These will let you walk away from these awkward situations with a big old smile on your face. Hopefully it will also result in making people think twice before referring to someone as Grandma. As well as giving you a good laugh for the day. What to say…
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Favorite Podcasts For The Midlife Mama

Favorite Podcasts For The Midlife Mama

Podcasts saved my life. Not literally, but definitely figuratively. So I want to share my favorite podcasts for the midlife mama with you. When I was having trouble getting pregnant in my late 30's I was about to give up, and then I found the podcast that would change my life. It changed my whole perspective and educated me on many nontraditional ways there are to get pregnant. It may have been years later that I finally got pregnant, but I GOT PREGNANT. Now I have the life that I dreamed of, minus all the hard stuff that goes a…
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