Favorite Podcasts For The Midlife Mama

Favorite Podcasts for the Midlife Life Mama

Podcasts saved my life. Not literally, but definitely figuratively. So I want to share my favorite podcasts for the midlife mama with you.

When I was having trouble getting pregnant in my late 30’s I was about to give up, and then I found the podcast that would change my life. It changed my whole perspective and educated me on many nontraditional ways there are to get pregnant.

It may have been years later that I finally got pregnant, but I GOT PREGNANT. Now I have the life that I dreamed of, minus all the hard stuff that goes a long with raising a family.

Oh, how I love podcasts. They’ve made such a difference in my life. With the help of podcasts I was able to get pregnant, loose 40 lbs, started businesses, increased focus and energy, mental clarity and so much more.

Here are my favorite podcasts that I know can positively impact the lives of older moms raising younger kids.


The Model Health Show

The Model Health Show Podcast

Shawn Stevenson, host extraordinaire, interviews top experts in the health industry. He is amazing at breaking down complex health issues into easily understandable concepts.

Model Health Show covers a wide variety of topics with a great sense of humor and Shawn references scientific studies supporting what he’s talking about.

While this show is not focused on older women or moms specifically, you will gain amazing health insights with all the info he supplies.

JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show

On the JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show, celebrity nutrition expert and Fitness Hall of Famer JJ Virgin teaches you how to break through food and carb intolerances and master your mindset, so you can finally lose the weight. She also welcomes internationally recognized guests who are at the forefront of wellness, plus gives you practical, straightforward tips with plenty of tough love and a sense of humor to help you become your healthiest, most vibrant self!

Provides simple, effective strategies for fat loss and overall health. JJ is a celebrity nutrition and fitness expert, but listening to her podcast is like hanging out with a really smart girlfriend who is also a mom.

Check her out at the JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show

Wellness Mama

The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of WellnessMama.com.

This podcast covers a wide variety of topics like holistic health, stress, sleep, fitness, natural living, parenting, motherhood and so much more.

Even though the host of Wellness Mama, Katie Wells is not a midlife mama, she has great insight and knowledge for healthy living for everyone.

Katie has a whole bunch of kids, home schools and runs thriving businesses. She’s figured it out, is amazing and you should take a listen.


Entrepreneurs On Fire

Entrepreneurs on Fire is an award winning podcast (Best of iTunes) where John Lee Dumas interviews Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE. Are YOU ready to learn from the best and achieve financial and location freedom? With over 2000 episodes, JLD will get you there!

One of the first business podcasts I ever listened to many years ago. The host of Entrepreneurs On Fire (EoF) is John Lee Dumas, a.k.a. JLD. He has such an upbeat personality it’s hard not be motivated by him.

This show interviews entrepreneurs in all different kinds of businesses. He’s upped his game since I started listening and now produces “Master Class” podcast episodes.

I love that the entrepreneurs he interviews are so open regarding their journeys leading to their to success. You come away saying I can do that! It’s incredibly motivating.

The hard part about listening to his podcast is that he offers so much free content including classes and other amazing giveaways. That’s great, but it’s easy to want to consume everything. This can be a problem if it takes your focus off of your current goals and pulls you in different directions.

Smart Passive Income

The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog.

Another amazing interview style podcast hosted by Pat Flynn. He also produces solo episodes where he shares what he’s doing in his business in order to teach you his proven strategies.

Smart Passive Income might sound a little “get rich quick” or “too good to be true” thing but it’s far from that.

Pat’s definition of passive income “a business that takes advantage of automated systems that allow transactions, cash flow, and growth to happen without requiring a real time presence.”

Who doesn’t want that that?

Earning passive income can’t be any more perfect for older moms raising younger kids. Especially if you’re like me and don’t want to work for someone else, worry about money or work on other people’s dreams.

Working Woman Entrepreneur

A weekly podcast for Moms who want to be inspired and empowered by successful women in order to gain and maintain the freedom to live their lives the way they want to. If you want to learn how other women have successful businesses while raising their families and making a difference in the world then this is the podcast for you. Ladies We Can Have It All!

I can’t mention my favorite podcasts without mentioning Working Woman Entrepreneur. That’s because it’s mine.

Even though I had many favorite podcasts, I couldn’t find any that were tailored specifically to women like me. Women who are working full-time jobs, raising families and trying to start their own businesses at the same time.

My goal is to share stories of women who were in a similar situation as I was and were able to start their own businesses resulting in earning enough money to quit their “day jobs.”

My favorite interviews are the ones with women like myself who are also the primary bread winners in their families.

Even if you’re not in this specific situation it’s a great podcast if you’re interested in starting your own business.

Personal Growth

Do It Scared

the podcast created to help you face your fears, overcome adversity, and create a life you LOVE. Each week you’ll discover actionable strategies for greater productivity, motivation, entrepreneurship, creativity, fulfillment, success, and happiness, along with the motivation and encouragement to actually start making real changes that lead to big results.

Do It Scared with Ruth Soukup is my new favorite. Not only does Ruth interview amazing guests she is pretty amazing herself.

The premise of all of her shows is that you must face your fears and overcome adversity in order to create a life you love. As she says “courage doesn’t mean we are never afraid, courage is simply daring to take action, despite our fears.”

I love hearing the stories of successful people and how they have the same fears as most of us. The big difference is they actually face them and push on through to the other side.

If they can do it so can you!

Achieve Your Goals

a weekly podcast dedicated to empowering and equipping you with practical advice and strategies to achieve your goals and dreams. If you are looking for help with achieving your goals in any (or EVERY) area of your life, Hal will give you the inspiration, motivation, and action plan to take yourself and your life to the next level.

This podcast is a game changer if you want it to be. The host, Hal Elrod is the man behind the Miracle Morning.

If you’re not familiar with the Miracle Morning check out my previous post 11 Morning Routines That Will Energize Your Day and Your Life.

Achieve Your Goals Podcast, the name says it all. Hal and his guests teach you how to gain success in your life by setting and reaching your goals.

After listening you will walk away with at least 1 specific and actionable step(s) to improve your goal strategies. One of the many reason this is one of my favorite podcasts for the midlife mama

The Daily Refresh

The Daily Refresh where we share a quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul and guided breathing the energize the body 7-days a week!

If you’re motivated by quotes like me, The Daily Refresh is a great podcast for you. Listen to it first thing in the morning and get your day started with amazing mindset.

A quick three minute daily podcast that includes an inspiring quote, one thing to be grateful for and guided breathing.

It’s the morning trifecta to set you up for an amazing day. It’s also hosted by JLD of Entrepreneurs On Fire.

The Great Things About Podcasts

There are so many things that I love about podcasts and it’s hard to put these in order or list them all. So I’ll just mention a few.

Listen Anywhere

While your driving, exercising, or working around the house. Anywhere you listen to music you can listen to podcasts.

Podcasts not only can you be entertaining like music but they can also be incredibly educational.

Exposure to New People and New Ideas

It’s easy to get comfortable hanging out with the same people all the time. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great having good friends. However, with podcasts you can be exposed to like minded people, new ideas and research that you wouldn’t otherwise be.

Enter podcasts and you could be hanging out with new friends all over the world. You can listen to a conversation between experts in a subject you didn’t even know existed.

You may find people to listen to who are interested in the same unique stuff you are. Shout out to all of you Chester A. Arthur fanatics out there. Who? My point exactly.

When you find a podcaster you like to listen to who interviews guests, not only are you learning from them, but from their variety of guests as well. You get exposed to more new information and insights that you probably wouldn’t have otherwise.

Mentoring and Friendship

Even though you haven’t met the people on the other side of the microphone you fell like you know them. Especially when you listen on headphones or ear buds, it’s like they’re talking directly to you. Yes you, who else do you see?

Podcast hosts tend to share personal stories. Listening to them on a consistent basis often results in feeling like you know them as a friend, teacher or mentor.

Super Niche

You can find a podcast on any topic these days. Whatever you’re into I’m sure there’s a podcast episode for it.

I just searched for pickles in iTunes and at least 10 podcast episodes came up. The topic of pickles is super niche, wouldn’t you say? I know who wants to hear about pickles? Apparently some people do.

Your Turn

I highly recommend that you listen to some or all of my favorite podcasts for the midlife mama. If none of these sound interesting to you just search for ones that do.

If you’re not familiar with podcasts there are different platforms to listen to them on such as iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora and Google Play.

I recommend that you just use your web browser and search the topic with the word podcast after it. You can then listen on the website or find out which platform they are on.

I consider myself a podcast junkie (there’s actually a podcast called Podcast Junkies) and am always looking for great new ones to listen to, so if you have to recommend please comment below.

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Favorite Podcasts For The Midlife Mama


  • I’ve actually listened to quite a few of these podcasts over the last few years. I loved Hal Elrod’s the best! Thanks for sharing now I have a few more to check out.

  • I love DO IT SCARED! I am going to check the rest of these out as well! I discovered podcasts last year and now I think I’m wasting time if there’s not one going in the background! : )

  • I love podcasts!! I also listen to “Do It Scared” and “Smart Passive Income”. I like to get an episode going on my phone, stick it in my pocket, and do house chores. Two of my other favorites are Amy Porterfield’s Easy Online Marketing and Copyblogger FM. 😊😊

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