How To Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally (and not so naturally)

Where did they come from? All of the sudden I have one on my face, then another and another. Please make it stop. How do I get rid of age spots naturally?

When I was younger and of course didn’t appreciated my youth like I should, “old people” (yes I’d call them old people ) called them liver spots. I don’t know about you, but eew. Since they have nothing to do with the liver let’s just call them age spots,

If you’re at the age where you’ve started to get them, you’re also at the the age where you want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

What Exactly Are Age Spots?

Basically they’re a cluster of harmless tanned cells that are darkened from ultraviolet (UV) sun exposure.

When you get a tan UVA rays penetrate the lower layers of the skin, where they trigger cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes then produce Melanin to protect the skin from burning.

Age spots, also called Solar Lentigo are not dangerous. But
if you’re concerned that they may be something more serious such as skin cancer go see a Dermatologist and have them diagnosed.

How to Avoid Getting Age Spots

Avoid excess sun exposure and use SPF sunscreen of 30 SPF or above.

When To See a Doctor

Even though age spots are usually harmless you should keep an eye on them to rule out Melanoma.

The Mayo Clinic recommends having your doctor evaluate your spots if it (they) are:

  • Darkly pigmented
  • Rapidly increasing in size
  • Has an irregular border
  • Has an unusual combination of colors
  • Accompanied by itching, redness, tenderness or bleeding If they change go see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out melanoma a serious form of skin cancer.

How To Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Good old ACV, “good for what ails you.” The best part of using ACV to get rid of age spots is that you don’t have to drink it. If you’ve ever taken a shot of it for digestive health or anything else you know what I’m talking about.

Apple Cider Vinegar most versatile home remedy to get rid of age spots

Using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) by itself or in combination with other ingredients is a very popular and effective way to get rid of age spots

The reason it works so well is because it contains alpha hydroxyl acids which help lighten the skin.

Be extra careful when applying ACV close to your eyes ACV because it can irritate them. Since ACV is acidic it can also dry out your skin so it’s good to add other ingredients to it if you’re sensitive to it.

Straight Apple Cider Vinegar

Apply ACV directly to the spot(s) using a cotton ball or Q-Tip once a day. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it off. If you’re skin’s not sensitive to it you can leave it on overnight like I do.

If it feels too irritating to your skin dilute it with some water before applying it.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil

Mixing ACV with a small amount of olive oil will help prevent your skin from drying out due to the acidic nature of ACV.

Olive moisturizes the skin when using ACV to get rid of age spots

Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Juice

Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and ACV. Again using a cotton ball dab onto spot(s). Leave it on for a maximum of 1/2 hour, but if it starts to irritate your eyes or skin clean it off immediately.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Onion Juice

I highly recommend that you try this option last, but it’s supposed to be highly effective because the onion has bleaching and antiseptic properties due to the sulfur compounds it contains.

Cut a small onion into four parts and put in the blender. Then mix it with the lemon juice in equal parts. Using a cotton ball, dab it onto the age spot(s)
Leave it on for a maximum of 1/2 hour. If you’re using it on your face and it starts to irritate your eyes or skin clean it off immediately.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Honey is used to soften the skin when using acv to get rid of age spots

Use equal parts of ACV and natural locally sourced honey. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off. Don’t use this in areas of your face that are prone to acne. Acne and age spots? The struggle is real.

Honey is very moisturizing.

Lemon Juice

Did you have freckles as a child? Did your Mom or Grandma recommend it? If they did its’ because lemon juice is acidic and can act like a natural bleaching agent that also exfoliates the skin.

Dab it directly on the spots twice a day. Leave it on your skin for at least 30 minutes or as long as it doesn’t bother you. You can also leave it on your face overnight.

Lemon juice increases your skins sensitivity to sunlight so wash it off before you go outside. Always use fresh squeezed lemons because bottled lemon juice can have impurities or may not be as acidic.

Onion Juice


If you don’t mind the smell, this is good option to get rid of age spots because of the sulfur that acts an antiseptic and the acids facilitate exfoliation.

Rub a slice over your age spot(s) two to three times a day.

This may be a better option for you if lemon juice is too irritating because it has a higher pH.


Papaya to get rid of age spots

Not only is this a fun word to say, good to eat it also contains enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids that help exfoliate your skin and age spot(s).

Make a papaya mask by mashing them into a pulp and then apply to your age spots. Allow the paste to dry for a minimum of 15 minutes before rinsing it off.


Yogurt to get rid of age spots

Since it contains lactic acid yogurt acts as a natural exfoliate. The discolored skin cells sloughs off leaving your skin fresh and healthy. Lactic acid is a common ingredient in anti aging creams because it also lightens your skin.

For best results apply plain yogurt onto the ages spot(s) before you go to bed and leave it on overnight. Going to bed smelling like yogurt not appealing to you? Then put it on and let it dry for about 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Aloe Vera

You probably know that aloe is good for burns, but now you know it’s good for those spots as well. This is the most gentle natural option to get rid of them.

Aloe vera directly from plant to get rid of age spots

Fresh aloe is the best, but if you don’t have a plant at home you can use fresh aloe juice from the store.

Rub a little onto your spot(s) and keep it on until the next time you wash your face, or for as long as you can tolerate the stickiness.

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How To Get Rid of Age Spots Not So Naturally

Over The Counter Treatments

Topical Creams

Topical creams used to get rid of age creams

There are many topical creams that claim to get rid of age spots, but if a product claims to get rid of the spot(s) immediately don’t buy it. The creams lighten the spots gradually and you may have to apply them for several months to see an improvement

Make sure that products do not not contain mercury or other hazardous chemicals.

Prescription Treatments

A Dermatologist can prescribe a safe product which usually contain retinoids, cortisone and hydroquinone. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin these creams may be irritating. Always discuss possible side effects with your Doctor.

These topical medications work by fading age spots and take several months of continued use to see them fade away.

This may be a better alternative to over the counter products because your Dermatologist may save you time and money because they can tell you which ones have been most effective for their patients.

Cosmetic Procedures

If you want quicker results then you may want to go with cosmetic procedures.

Cryotherapy (Freezing)

Ice representing freezing or cyrotherepy to get rid of age spots

Quickly removes the spot(s) using a cold substance such as liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy is effective because the age spot(s) skin cells are frozen and then come off, but can also be painful.

Afterwards you may have some pain, a blister or temporary redness and swelling. Additional side effects include darkening of an age spot, lightening of the skin around the spot or scar.

Laser surgery (intense pulsed light therapy)

Involves using high-intensity light beams. One or 2 treatments can treat age spots quickly with longer lasting results than skin-lightening cream.

Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion to get rid of age spots

Are both ways to exfoliate the skin and are non-invasive.

Dermabrasion involves sanding down the surface layer of your skin with a fast spinning brush so a new layer of skin can then grow in its place.

You might have to have this done more than once to see results.

Mirodermabrasion is not as harsh as dermabrasion, but requires several office treatments over the span of months to see results.

You can also buy a home Microdermabrasion for your home which claim to reduce age spots.

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Chemical Peel

Chemical peel to get rid of age spots

Uses a chemical solution on to exfoliate and peel away the dead cells.

I recommend using cosmetic procedures as a last resort since they have the risk of scarring the skin. If you do go this route you may end of with scaring that look worse than the age spots. It may also leave your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. researchers conducted a study that compared laser treatment to a prescription-strength cream. The researchers discovered that both treatments lightened age spots significantly.

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Lots of Choices To Get Rid of Age Spots

Many doors representing lots of choices to get rid of age spots

If you want to see the the quickest results you may want to go with the cosmetic procedures. But they can be expensive, have side effects and maybe even cause scaring

If you go this route make sure that you go to a reputable dermatologist and get references first.

But if your’e an all natural gal or guy you know how to get rid of age spots naturally with home remedies that can be very effective, but they take a lot more time to see results. They are also A LOT cheaper because you probably already have some or all of the ingredients in your home.

Whichever treatment you use it’s always a good idea to have your doctor look at the age spots to rule out skin cancer.


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How To Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally (and not so naturally)


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