Black Seed Oil Health Benefits: New Cure All?

Black Seed Oil Health Benefits: New Cure All?

I have one thing to say to you he whispered in my ear “Black Seed Oil.” Sexy or creepy? In this case definitely creepy because it came from someone I hardly knew. The creepy factor was well worth it because it made me ask the question, what is black seed oil and what are the health benefits? This led to my personal discovery of Black Seed Oil or Black Cumin Oil which has been called the new “Miracle Oil.” Need More Energy? What Is Black Seed Oil? Black seed oil is extracted from black cumin seeds also known as Nigella…
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Emu Oil: Benefits and Risks

Emu Oil: Benefits and Risks

I like to think I'm up with the latest health trends. When I heard about it, I had to find out more. What is it exactly. What are the benefits of emu oil? Are there any risks? What's the best way to learn about something? Write about it! Where Does Emu Oil Come From? As we used to say, "I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count." It comes from the animal (that's your third guess). You might not know that it comes from fat deposits under the birds skin and it's bright yellow in color. If…
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Incredible Benefits of   Collagen Supplements

Incredible Benefits of Collagen Supplements

If you think supplementing with collagen is just another empty promise of helping you look younger, you're in for a real surprise. There are amazing benefits of taking Collagen supplements. The benefits of taking collagen supplements not only include those that affect our appearance, but also what's happening to us on the inside as we age. Collagen is considered the "scaffolding and glue holding" our bodies together. And we've been losing about 1% of our collagen every year after we turned 20 years old. What Is Collagen Collagen is the most plentiful form of protein in your body. It's the…
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How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

Have you gotten to the point where you look in the mirror thinking you'll see the 20 something version of yourself? Instead it's the current you, wrinkles and all! Before you try expensive options such as Botox or big name expensive beauty products try some of these to get rid of wrinkles naturally. Drink Water Hydrated skin is healthy skin so drink more of it, unless you're already drinking the recommended amount of water. According the Institute For Transformational Nutrition you should drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. Making sure your body as a whole is…
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How To Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally (and not so naturally)

How To Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally (and not so naturally)

Where did they come from? All of the sudden I have one on my face, then another and another. Please make it stop. How do I get rid of age spots naturally? When I was younger and of course didn't appreciated my youth like I should, "old people" (yes I'd call them old people ) called them liver spots. I don't know about you, but eew. Since they have nothing to do with the liver let's just call them age spots, If you're at the age where you've started to get them, you're also at the the age where you…
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Does Red Light Therapy Really Help You Look Younger?

Does Red Light Therapy Really Help You Look Younger?

Roxanne needs to turn her red light back on! That's a song reference for those of you who aren't Police fans. Numerous studies and anecdotal evidence has shown that Red light therapy, also known as Photobiomodulation has numerous benefits including younger looking skin. Don't worry about going to the "red light" district in order to get treatments, you can do those in your own home or go to your local spa. Younger looking skin? Who's in? What Is It? There are different types of delivery methods including red light diodes and low-level laser therapy. Both use red and near red…
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Rebuild Collagen In Your Face Naturally

Rebuild Collagen In Your Face Naturally

There are ways to rebuild the collagen in your face naturally that will help you look more like your younger self so you don't have to ask yourself who's that in the mirror? My Mom? That doesn't look like me, or the way I feel. I know if your're not growing you're dying, but come on! If I feel good on the inside, then why can't I look as good on the outside? You are your worst critic, between you and me you look marvelous! My Mom used to always say "getting older is better than the alternative." But there…
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10 Ways to Reverse Wrinkles Naturally And Not Look Sad

10 Ways to Reverse Wrinkles Naturally And Not Look Sad

My son said to me one day as we were getting into the car "Why Do you You Look Sad and Wrinkly Mom?" Nothing makes you feel older than hearing this from your kids.  The expression “ kids say the darnedest things" is an understatement in my family. I immediately thought to myself I need to find out how to reverse wrinkles naturally ASAP. The wrinkly comment day started when I was trying to get my kids ready and off to summer camp. It had been about half an hour and I was getting frustrated to say the least.  I…
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How to Oil Cleanse and Look Younger

How to Oil Cleanse and Look Younger

Using oil to clean your face sound like an oxymoron to you? Just like a lot of other people, I thought that putting oil on your face will make your face oily.   So I was very hesitant to try oil cleansing. In my younger days I put baby oil on my face to get my face tan. I know, how dumb was that? Especially now that I’m older and I’m doing everything I can to avoid skin damage and minimize wrinkles.   Baby oil is definitely not an oil you should use to oil cleanse your face. My number…
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