Does Red Light Therapy Really Help You Look Younger?

Roxanne needs to turn her red light back on! That’s a song reference for those of you who aren’t Police fans.

Numerous studies and anecdotal evidence has shown that Red light therapy, also known as Photobiomodulation has numerous benefits including younger looking skin.

Don’t worry about going to the “red light” district in order to get treatments, you can do those in your own home or go to your local spa.

Younger looking skin? Who’s in?

What Is It?

There are different types of delivery methods including red light diodes and low-level laser therapy. Both use red and near red near infrared light. The specific wavelengths stimulate your cells to release Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

ATP’s your body’s “energy currency.” It’s produced by the mitochondria in the cells.

Mitochondria are considered the “powerhouses” of the cells in your body. An increase in ATP is said to increase metabolism, cell regeneration, and cellular processes by releasing cellular energy.

Even though skin is naturally exposed to light more than any other organ, it still responds well to red and near-infrared wavelengths. The photons are absorbed by mitochondrial chromophores in skin cells. This results in increased blood flow and activated stem cells allowing tissue repair and healing of the skin.

Why Does Our Skin Wrinkle And Sag As We Get Older?

As we get older collagen and elastin production is reduced. Collagen and Elastin are proteins found in the skin that gives skin elasticity, firmness and fullness.

Collagen is the main structural protein found in skin and gives it structure. Elastin is responsible for the tissue’s ability to “snap back”to its original shape after being stretched or contracted. If you’ve heard or have laugh lines then you know what I’m talking about.

Of course other external and internal factors have their own effect such as:

Exposure to UV rays is bad and ultra violet light exposure can help you look younger
  • Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV is way different than infrared light which breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.
  • Your genes (not a done deal, ever heard of epigenetics?)
  • Smoking
  • Pimple popping
  • Harsh facial cleansers
  • Dehydration

Red Light Therapy Boosts Collagen Production

Studies have shown that when red and near infrared light is absorbed by the skin, cells grow in a healthier way. Collagen density is increased, wrinkles look smoother and skin tone is enhanced.

Increased collagen production and fibroblasts (a cell in connective tissue which produces collagen) help reduce pore size, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, and helps improve and smooth the skin.

For more ways to rebuild collagen naturally check out this post .

Red Light Therapy Stimulates Blood Circulation

Red light therapy stimulates blood circulation.

Red light therapy stimulates blood circulation and capillary generation. As a result more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the skin. Theoretically you end up looking healthier and younger.

Increased blood circulation also increases lymphatic activity resulting in a reduction of puffiness and swelling. The lymphatic system removes excess fluids and wastes from the skins tissues.

What are The Different Types of Light Therapy?

There are many different Light therapy or photbiomodulation choices out there.

Picture of my handheld red light therapy made by Joovv
My Handheld Joovv

You can buy units for your home, or you can go to a spa and get treatments there. Some spas have transformed their tanning beds into red light beds.

Both full body treatments and portable handheld treatments are available. Some are modular so you can buy panels and add them as you go. I’ve also seen handheld boxy units and some located within face masks.

There are a lot of different versions out there. Do your homework before purchasing them because they’re not cheap.

I just bought a handheld unit that cost $300.00. I was able to justify the cost because it’s also for my husband who uses it for hand pain and it’s working for him.

Where Can I Find One?

All you have to do is search for it in your favorite web browser and you’ll find a plethora of choice. I have a Joovv ( no affiliation) handheld portable unit that I love.

Side Effects

Since red light therapy uses natural light without the harmful UV rays, there’re no harmful side effects associated with it. However, everyone’s skin is different and some may be sensitive to it.

Just in case test a small area of skin for 3-5 minutes to see how your skin reacts.

Does Red Light Therapy Really Work?

If you read testimonials on the web, the most common answer is a big old YES. Unfortunately, you can’t always count on them.

As far as my own experience….

I’m counting on it!

I recently started using my Joovv portable unit, but haven’t seen any visual changes yet. The manufacturer says it can take 8-12 weeks of daily treatments to see the benefits and I’m only on week three.

I’ll keep you posted.

An added side benefit is that the red lights make me feel good in the morning and I use it while I’m meditating.



Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Seek a physician or other qualified health provider’s advise with any questions regarding a medical condition.

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Does Red Light Therapy Really Help You Look Younger?


  • Interesting read! Our local gym did turn one of the tanning bed rooms into this. I’ve only tried it once so the jury is still out with me. I might try it more thought to see.

  • I’m dying to hear if this works for you. I’ll do anything to combat the dreaded wrinkle. If I only knew as a teenager that pimple-popping led to wrinkles!! ☹️ Lol!

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