Rebuild Collagen In Your Face Naturally

There are ways to rebuild the collagen in your face naturally that will help you look more like your younger self so you don’t have to ask yourself who’s that in the mirror? My Mom? That doesn’t look like me, or the way I feel. I know if your’re not growing you’re dying, but come on!

If I feel good on the inside, then why can’t I look as good on the outside? You are your worst critic, between you and me you look marvelous!

My Mom used to always say “getting older is better than the alternative.” But there are natural things you can do to help rebuild collagen in your face to help you look younger.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the main structural protein that forms the connective framework of your muscles, bones, tendons, skin and cartilage.

The production of collagen starts to decline around age 25 and continues even more after menopause. Resulting in thinner, drier skin, wrinkles and sagging (I like gravity impared better).

What’s a girl (or guy) to do? Rebuild Collagen In Your Face Naturally using these easy and mostly free practices.

Facial Massage

Woman giving herself a facial massage to help stimulate collagen production in the face naturally

According to Westlake Dermatology apply moderate pressure in circular movements along the cheeks, chin and forehead. This stimulates collagen production, strengthens muscle memory and rebuilds collagen naturally.


Different foods help with the stimulation of collagen production, including proteins because collagen is the main structural protein in the body.

Try some of these to help your skin look younger and healthier by rebuilding collagen in your face naturally.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential part of skin health, both as an antioxidant and for rebuilding collagen naturally.

Green Pepper which is high in vitamin C that helps stimulate collagen growth naturally

Foods high in vitamin C are great collagen promoters such as: citrus fruits, red and green peppers, strawberries, kiwi, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower.

Vitamin B6

Keep your foods rich in B6 vitamins close at hand because a deficiency in vitamin B6 has been shown to suppress collagen growth.

Salmon and lemmon wich is high in vitamins that helps you build collagen in your face naturally

Salmon (wild caught if you can) is high in vitamin B6 along with lean chicken breast (organic if you please), lean pork chops, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados and pistachios.

A 2006 study published in the Journal of Rheumatology found that avocado oil “significantly increased type II collagen” levels.


Minerals such as manganese, copper and and zinc play an important role in rebuilding collagen naturally.

Brown rice, pecans and green tea are good sources of manganese.

Sunflower their seeds are high in copper which helps you stimulate collagen production in the face

Cashews, oysters, crab and sunflower seeds all contain significant amounts of copper.

Poultry, cashews, almonds and dairy products will help you reach the FDA recommended value.

Sulfur Rich Foods

Garlic which is rich in sulfur that helps you rebuild collagen in your face

Sulfur plays a key role in the formation of collagen. Eat foods rich in sulfur like beans, cabbage, pasture-raised eggs, garlic and cruciferous vegetables.

Say No To Sugar

According to celebrity nutritionist Madeline Shaw “sugar can permanently attach to collagen. When collagen is weighed down by glucose it becomes rigid and inflexible, resulting in dull, dry and aging skin.”

Red Light Therapy

Red light led lights which helps stimulate collagen in the face

Also known a low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has many health benefits including stimulating collagen production, reducing wrinkles and improving skin elasticity.

Keep in mind that this is not UV light which we know is damaging to the skin.

Red light is all around us you just can’t see it because it’s part of the light spectrum. It needs to be isolated from the other wavelengths of light in order to use it.

There are many units you can buy or you can go to a spa if you’re lucky enough to have one close by that provides this therapy.

A controlled study published in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery confirmed that the use of red and near infrared light therapy treatment helped rebuild collagen naturally and participants experienced a better look and feel of their skin. The researchers found it to be safe and effective.

I got so excited while researching red light therapy that I bought a small handheld unit. I will share my experience in an upcoming blog post.

What Have You Got to Lose?

Getting older is definitely better than the alternative. But if we can use healthy foods and inexpensive or even free things (facial massage) to rebuild collagen naturally that helps us look better along the way then why not give them a try?

If you’re like me and are always open to investing money and time into things that energizes your life inside and out then you may want to do a little research of your own on red light therapy. There have been numerous scientific studies backing up the efficacy of it for collagen production as well as a numerous other health benefits.

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Rebuild Collagen In Your Face Naturally


  • You have a very smart mom! I can’t believe collagen starts to break down at age 25 – it’s like we never had a chance to begin with. I am super anxious to hear how the red light therapy works for you. I’ll try anything that doesn’t involve surgery!!

  • I had not given a whole lot of thought into collagen, wrinkles, and such that comes with aging until just the last couple of years. I’ve always been told I look much younger thankfully! Maybe because of how many veggies I eat, or the fact I don’t smoke or drink alcohol? I love the facial massages I’ve gotten as part of the facial part of a beauty school package (so much more affordable than a salon). I had not heard that about red light I will have to check into that after reading how it goes for you. Thanks for the tips! I’ve already pinned this post so I don’t lose it.

  • I can’t wait to hear about your red light and how that works! There are lots of look younger yummy foods on the list to add to the regular weekly menu. I love that there are a lot of things that you can do to help naturally that don’t include chemicals. Thanks!

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