What’s Better Grass Fed or Organic Beef?

Cow grazing on grass with caption What's better grass fed or organic beef.

So you’ve made the decision to feed your family healthy foods.  You’re willing to spend the extra money because you know “you are what you eat ate” and you want the best for your family. You don’t want pesticides or other unnatural things in your food, so you decide to buy all organic meats.  But wait a minute……what about grass fed beef, is that the same as organic?

What’s the difference and which one is better for you?

What Does The USDA Organic Seal On Beef Mean?

In order to be certified organic a strict set of guidelines must be followed such as:

  • Must be raised organically on certified organic land
  • Must be fed certified vegetarian organic feed
  • No antibiotics or added growth hormones are allowed
  • The animals must have outdoor access

Grass fed is not a requirement to be certified organic. They can be fed grains which are not part of a cow’s natural diet.

What Does Grass-Fed Actually Mean?

Don’t all cows eat grass? In the US they start off eating grass, but when cows get to a certain age they go into a “feedlot” system where they are confined,, crowded, crowded and are often fed genetically modified grain to fatten them up quickly.

Grass Fed beef means that the cattle are allowed to forage and graze for their own fresh food like they are meant to do. Substitutes like alfalfa may be given during the winter.

The most important thing is that cows eat food that is as close as possible to their natural diets, not grains that have been designed to fatten them up.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a USDA certification? Unfortunately the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service withdrew from the “Grass (Forage) Fed Marketing Claim Standard and Naturally Raised Marketing Claim standard” for beef in 2016.

Why Is It Important?


USDA Organic Logo. What's better grass fed or organic beef?

Eating organic is always preferable to non organic foods because we want to keep pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and artificial animal hormones out of our bodies. Remember “you are what you eat ate.”

Grass Fed

According to Health.com grass fed beef is higher in key nutrients including antioxidants, vitamins, and a beneficial fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has been tied to improving your immune system and also has anti-inflammatory benefits.

Studies have also shown the meat to be higher in stearic acid resulting in a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels (source).

Grassfed is also significantly higher in total Omega-3-s (40-50%) than standard beef . Omega-3’s are anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids which need to be obtained in your diet because your body can’t make them.

Which is Better?

Grass fed or organic beef? The easy answer is that organic grass fed beef is the best, but just because beef is labeled as grass fed it doesn’t mean that it’s also organic. Look for beef that is certified both such as the PCO 100% Grass fed Certification and you’re covered.

PCO Certified 100% grassfed logo. What's Better Grass Fed or Organic Beef? Both

In my opinion, if you’re unable to purchase beef with both certifications then go for organic because at least you’re ensured that it is antibiotic and hormone free.

Let me know your opinion in the comments below.

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What’s Better Grass Fed or Organic Beef?


  • I love grass fed beef. It takes a little getting used to cooking on Lowery temperatures but I couldn’t go back to commercial beef. The flavor and quality is so different. It sure would be nice if they would go back to better labeling standards. Animals that eat the diets intended are so much healthier for us! Great info.

  • I actually didn’t even know there was a difference – I thought they both meant organic, just said in different ways. Thanks for enlightening me. I really want to try grass fed beef now so I can see if I can tell the difference.

  • We stopped eating beef back when there was the big scare of mad cow. We just recently started buying beef again. Aldi’s has pretty economical pricing for organic beef and I do believe it is grass fed as well. An even better option is if you can get both of these with a local farmer. We have before, but just not where we are located right now unfortunately.

  • Great info! We’re hearing more and more about the benefits of grass-fed beef but I didn’t know the ‘why’. Thank you for posting this!

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